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Official Partners

Smarter investing, brilliantly personalized

Our team of investment professionals is dedicated to helping you navigate the markets and make informed investment decisions.

Improved Investment Selection

Improved investment selection by narrowing down choices based on specific criteria

Time efficiency

Time efficiency by focusing on a manageable set of potential investments

Risk mitigation

Risk mitigation by screening out volatile or risky stocks


Consistency in investment approach, removing emotional biases


Reduction of information overload by filtering a subset of stocks

Increased confidence

Increased confidence in investment decisions through a structured approach

Get the best results from our trademark stock screeners delivered to your inbox, daily.

A daily email using our custom built stock screeners – focused on providing the best filtered results for the next day. Includes bounce, shorting, swing, and breakout stocks. There are no yearly commitments, and you can cancel any time.

Advantages of Using Filtered Stock Results

Improved Investment Selection

Daily Stock Screener’s filtered stock screener results allows you to refine your investment choices based on specific criteria. By applying filters pertaining to fundamental analysis, technical analysis, or a combination of both, we identify stocks that fit within our filtration formulas. This improves the probability of locating stocks with a higher potential for growth or value appreciation.

Time Efficiency

The stock market is vast, with thousands of stocks available for investment. Daily Stock Screener helps you narrow down the options and focus on a more manageable set of potential investments. This saves time and allows you to conduct more in-depth research on the filtered stocks, making more  informed and focused investment decisions.

Risk Mitigation

Our filters are designed to prioritize stocks with certain risk profiles or stability indicators. By applying risk-based filters, we can screen out highly volatile or risky stocks that may not align with your risk tolerance. This risk mitigation strategy can enhance the stability and consistency of your investment portfolio.

Consistency in Investment Approach

Our stock screener results enable you to establish a consistent investment approach. By defining specific criteria and applying them consistently, you become a more rational investor, removing emotional biases from the decision-making process, ensuring a more objective investment style.

Reduction of Information Overload

The financial markets generate a vast amount of information, making it challenging to analyze and interpret all the available data. By considering our stock screener results, you can narrow your focus to a subset of stocks that meet specific criteria. This reduces information overload, making it easier to analyze and track the selected stocks effectively.

Increased Confidence

The use of our proprietary filtering parameters makes for a more structured approach to stock selection, instilling confidence in your investment decisions. By applying systematic methodologies, you can improve objectivity. This confidence can help you stay committed to your investment strategy and navigate market fluctuations with more conviction.

It's important to note that while Daily Stock Screener's filtered stock screener results can offer advantages, they should be used as a starting point for further research and analysis. No filtering or screening process guarantees the success of an investment, and it's always crucial to conduct due diligence and consider multiple factors before making investment decisions.

Be efficient with your time

The stock market is vast, with thousands of stocks available for investment. Daily Stock Screener helps you narrow down the options and focus on a more manageable set of potential investments. This saves time and  effort, allowing you to conduct more in-depth research on the filtered stocks and making better investment decisions.

The daily stock screener results provided have been quite reliable and helped me yield a good side income from my trades. I've been more confident and have to spend less time with my own research. Worth trying out!

Will Ferrer, CEO, Tempest House

Will Ferrer, CEO, Tempest House

Our Blog

We believe that a successful investment strategy requires a comprehensive approach that considers a wide range of factors, including risk tolerance.

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